Design and Manufacturing
Self adhesive label design and manufacturing is not always straightforward, and there are many critical factors to consider.

CV Labels has an outstanding track record as a product provider of high quality labels to meet the exacting standards of the pharmaceutical, medical and healthcare markets. We understand that labelling is not always straightforward, and there are many critical factors to consider.
We offer specialised labels such as pharma-code verification, back numbering (exact quantities per roll for reconciliation) as well as line clearance procedures and automated camera inspections for guaranteed precision and accuracy.
Our team will work closely with you to understand your requirements and provide professional labelling advice, no matter how stringent your standards or how challenging your performance requirements.
We offer both FLEXOGRAPHIC and DIGITAL PRINT processes. Substrates vary for each application and can include everything from cardboard and glass to plastics such as DPE, PET, PP and PVC – each with its own physical properties.
Drugs and medical products often have to endure extreme conditions, such as steam sterilisation or cryogenic storage, and we will work with you to ensure you always have a safe and reliable label.

FleyeVision inspection camera systems
CV Labels have invested heavily in automated camera inspection equipment as the human eye is not a high enough level of inspection for our pharmaceutical customers. With a 4k camera to detect even the most minor of print errors, allowing instant correction and ultimately ensuring the highest possible quality standard.
Features include:
4K full colour camera with 100% inspection, ensuring precision accuracy.
Fast running speeds of 350 meters a minute with full camera inspection.
Servo driven with remote access should any issues arise, minimising downtime.
Accurate to .25 of a millimetre.
Auto tension control for unwind, rewind and the creation of top-quality finished rolls.
In short, this will guarantee CV Labels’ customers the highest quality of labels in the fastest turnaround times possible – a service we have become renowned for and are delighted to provide.

Artwork Creation
In-house design team
Label design and artwork creation is at the heart of a good product. CV Labels has in-house art and design facilities to ensure every design is accurately reproduced by the chosen print method. Using the latest technology, we offer a full design service, or help with the reproduction of existing artwork, to suit the materials and style of your labels.
Label design and artwork
When supplying artwork for your labels – whether it’s the final graphic, or logos and images to be used by our design team – your account manager will guide you through the entire process.
Advanced artwork control
Because of the bespoke nature of our products, we have always maintained our own dedicated artwork facility. We encourage customers to provide artwork in a robust format, such as press-ready PDF, InDesign or Illustrator EPS. All files are handled in a safe, secure manner by our team of experienced operators.
To discuss your artwork requirements, contact us at
Want to learn more?
Get in touch we can make your project a success
Please call us on +44 (0) 1294 214402 or email us at